Complaints Policy

We aim to provide the highest level and quality of advice and service in an understandable, prompt and courteous
manner.  We welcome any suggestions that help us to improve our service.

We recognise that on occasion, things can go wrong. To raise a concern or make a complaint about our services or a bill please, in the first instance, raise it with our Managing Director, Wahidur Rahman who will investigate the complaint and respond in writing within 7 days of completion of that investigation. We will always endeavour to resolve your
complaint within 30 days of you raising the complaint.

We want the opportunity to put matters right and we hope and expect to be able to reach a satisfactory solution with
you. If we cannot reach a solution together, you can pursue your complaint with the Legal Ombudsman. You can write
to them at: The Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton, WV1 9WJ (
(telephone no. 0300 555 0333).

Not all clients are eligible to pursue the Legal Ombudsman route and so you should check the Legal Ombudsman’s
website for the relevant detail.

If eligible, you normally have 6 months from our telling you our final response to your complaint to refer it to the Legal

Complaints About Fees

If you are dissatisfied with our bill, you have the right to apply to the High Court for an assessment of our charges by an Officer of the Court under ss. 70, 71 and 72 of the Solicitors Act 1974. We hope that before making such an application you would first use our complaints procedure explained above.

Complaints About Misconduct

If you have any concerns about any misconduct or breach of the SRA Code of Conduct by our firm such as taking or losing your money, dishonesty or discrimination, you can also report the matter to our regulatory body, the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Their details are:
The Solicitors Regulation Authority The Cube
Wharfside Street
B1 1RN
0370 606 2555